
A sprawling ecumenopolis at the center of the Divine Dominion. Countless trillions of people call this world home, and it is said that whatever can be offered in known space is here. Watch out for the lower levels where the sun never shines, and watch out more for those beneath the darkness.


A world with yellow flora and with fauna equally strange. The native home of Kxyzerrai and their many strange cultural quirks. An old world under the Dominion’s control.


A prosperous world with red flora, strange creatures, and two peculiar moons orbiting it. The Mazhan species originated here, and it is one of the oldest worlds to have sworn fealty to the Divine Dominion.

Dextune & Sinitus

Two worlds locked in orbit around each other as they together traverse around their sun Kheire. Not only are they locked in orbit but also in an endless cold war started centuries ago through the cruel twists of fate.


A world dedicated to loyalty with three moons and a thriving population. The home world of the Raixher, and from Raixhla, the Xhaisin’s words are carried throughout their large empire.


A middle aged colony orbiting binary stars. Many who have wished for riches have taken up plots of land to extract the metals out of the ground through the miracle of life known as Ferroleeches.